Meditation & Buddhism in Norfolk
A small but dedicated group of people, running a growing programme of events in person & online
Welcome to King's Lynn Triratna
KING’S LYNN TRIRATNA (KLT) is a small network of practicing Buddhists whose organized events take place in King’s Lynn and who additionally come together as part of a broader network around West Norfolk, meeting and practicing together in person and via Zoom.
KLT is part of ‘TRIRATNA’ a worldwide Buddhist community founded in 1968 to create a model for living Buddhism in modern Western life.
Who we are

King’s Lynn Triratna was first set in motion by Dharmachari Udara, an ordained member of Triratna, in 2014. In time, other Triratna Order members came to teach in his place, notably Sanghaketu, Viprasanna and a little later Viryashalin. Together with the faithful group of practitioners in and around Kings Lynn, they continued to offer classes, courses and occasional weekend retreats in Buddhism and meditation.
Passing through many changes, not least the recent pandemic and including the Ordination of Sammudita and arrival of Sinhadevi, it currently comprises a core team of ordained members of Triratna together with a growing but dedicated group of practitioners, running a programme of classes, courses and occasional weekend retreats.
Please read on to find out more about all of the above.

Events happening soon
(see EVENTS page for more detail)

Just Sitting: A Day of Stillness, Silence and Non-Doing
Join us for a Day Retreat on Just Sitting meditation (Sesshin), led by Padmacandra and Sammuditá, on Saturday, March 8th, from 10am to 4pm.
Open to anyone who knows the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana as taught within Triratna.
The Day will consist of Meditation, teaching pointers, and silence during the breaks to support our practice.
Just Sitting is the third main “meditation” we teach in Triratna after the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana, but often less is said about it, perhaps because in effect it is a “non-practice” or a “non-doing”.
Come and taste the possibilities of this profound practice, always ready to unfold here and now!